“If you hate Norway so much,” read the email in my inbox the other day, “why don’t you go back to America? Why don’t you go back to the Midwest or the Southern states where you can live with your beloved Tea Party friends?”
The email was in Norwegian, and the sender had a Norwegian name. This is far from the first such e-mail I have received in my thirteen years in Norway. A few years back, in a piece for the New York Times about the Norwegian economy, I made what I thought was a harmless remark in passing about the matpakke, the wrapped-up homemade sandwich that many workers in Norway, including high-ranking executives, chow down at their desks at lunchtime because it’s just too expensive here (Oslo is the world’s priciest city) for most people to go out for even a modest lunch. After that article, I got several hundred outraged text messages, e-mails, and phone calls asking me why I was living in Norway if I hated its beloved traditions so much and ordering me to go back to America. I even got a couple of death threats.
The reason for this latest wave of unfriendly e-mails, however, is my new e-book, The New Quislings, in which I examine the aftermath of the dozens of murders committed on July 22 by an insane young Norwegian named Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik, most of whose victims were members of the youth division of Norway’s Labor Party, explained that he was motivated by a hostility toward Norway’s multicultural immigration and integration policies, which are largely the work of the Labor Party and which are turning Norway, like much of the rest of Europe, into an increasingly Islamic state.
After Breivik’s atrocities, Norway’s left-wing cultural elite lost no time linking him publicly with every prominent writer, foreign or domestic – myself included – who has warned about the Islamization of Europe. We Islam critics, it was asserted, had created an atmosphere of “Islam-hate” and were thus, in part, responsible for Breivik’s actions. Some members of the elite insisted that we Islam critics needed to change our tune about Islam; others went further, saying that if we didn’t shut up and play along, we should be punished for it – silenced.
For months, the Norwegian media were full of demonizing, menacing rhetoric – rhetoric that thoroughly misrepresented the views of people like me and Robert Spencer and Bat Ye’or, making us sound like genocidal racists, threats to civilization, democracy, and pluralism. All the while, those who truly represented a threat to civilization, democracy, and pluralism were the very people who were leveling these charges – who were cynically exploiting the acts of a lone madman in an effort to strangle free speech in Norway and destroy their own ideological opponents.
To a frightening extent, the attempt worked – and continues to work. For a time, criticism of Islam was almost entirely muted. Then, gradually, the critics began to speak up again – but in all too many cases, the criticism was more tepid, more timid, than before. In some cases Islam went entirely unmentioned, the focus instead being purely on immigration and integration policies. When word began to spread that I had written a book whose title compared Norway’s would-be censors of Islam criticism to Vidkun Quisling, the Nazi puppet who ran Norway during the occupation, my fellow Islam critics in Norway rushed to distance themselves from the book and to reject the comparison. Even though many of the influential left-wingers I had written about were actively out to crush free speech in Norway, it was simply over the top, I was told, to compare them to Quisling.
It is, of course, a truism that one should not be quick to compare one’s ideological opponents to Nazis. Yet in this case the comparison seemed to me amply justified. First of all, it is not as if Nazi comparisons are absent from the Norwegian public square. On the contrary, one of the most familiar memes in the Norwegian press these days is the notion that Israel is today’s Nazi Germany and that the Palestinians are its victims in precisely the same way that the Jews were the victims of Europe’s Nazi conquerors. Norway’s most celebrated editorial cartoonist, Finn Graff, has more than once drawn cartoons making precisely this equation. He is respected and beloved, and has won major awards for his work.